2024 HALO Award application is now closed.
Grant recipients will be announced in Fall 2024.
For HALO Award consideration, your organization must be:
A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or sponsored by a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Working with volunteers
In and serving Los Angeles County
One volunteer nomination will be accepted per nonprofit organization. Volunteer nominees must be:
Active and unpaid
Not currently serving as a board member
Past applicants who have not received a HALO award are encouraged to reapply. Past recipients will not be considered for another HALO Award.
HALO Award Application Webinar
This hour-long webinar, led by Foundation staff, provides key insights and guidance into presenting a strong application.
Please note that the dates referenced in the webinar are from the 2017 application cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions
We are a nonprofit, but we don't serve those in need directly. Rather, we serve other nonprofits who, in turn, serve specific populations in need. Do we still qualify for the HALO Award?
Yes, as long as the nonprofits you serve meet the HALO Award eligibility requirements.
Our organization does not have a 501(c)3 letter, but we are in the process of obtaining a fiscal sponsor, may we apply for the HALO Award?
We require that organizations applying for the HALO Award have 501(c)3 tax-exempt status or a fiscal sponsor at the time of submission.
We are a small organization with a modest budget. Can we include the in-kind support that we receive into our operating budget?
Yes, it is acceptable to incorporate in-kind support into your operating budget.
Can the $20,000 budget submitted by the organization be spread over more than one year?
No, the $20,000 grant should be used within the one year awarded.
How should we choose volunteer nominee from our organization?
Individuals who go above and beyond and are active, unpaid, and not receiving credit or hours for school or professional licenses are eligible to be nominated.
Is the founder or executive director of our organization eligible to be our nominated volunteer?
The founder or executive director of an organization is eligible for the award as long as that person is unpaid and actively serving the organization.
If awarded, who from our organization should participate in the HALO Award capacity building (i.e. Peer Learning Sessions, One-on-One Coaching, etc.)?
Participation by at least two of the same representatives from each organization is required at each capacity building activity. In addition to Volunteer Program Managers, past HALO participants have included Executive Directors, Board Members, Development Directors, and Volunteers. Before applying, we encourage organizations to consider who might participate from their organization.