PS Science
Volunteer: Angel Medina
PS Science's mission is to educate children and support teachers to: 1) See beauty, wonder, and infinite opportunity; 2) Do science through active exploration and collaboration; and 3) Know the joy of discovery and the power of knowledge.
Angel Medina first volunteered with PS Science in 2022 at their monthly Service Squad Volunteer days as a high school sophomore. As a self-proclaimed science enthusiast, he was incredibly passionate about becoming a regular volunteer. After attending a few of the Service Squad events, Angel inquired about the possibility of volunteering to support PS Science’s after-school enrichment programs. By Fall 2022, in his junior year of high school, Angel was volunteering two afternoons a week at afterschool STEM clubs that PS Science was running at local schools. Since Angel’s start with PS Science, he has helped at 4 different schools and joined the PS Science Instructor team at a number of community STEM events such as Family Science Nights, City of STEM and Inglewood STEM Fest. In just the past two years, he has dedicated over 115 hours to serving students through our programs. Angel’s love of science has been an inspiration to many students in the after-school programs. His reliability and calm demeanor have been a huge asset to out-of-school enrichment programming, and he has significantly contributed to making PS Science's after-school programming more robust and dynamic through his mentorship with the students.